
九如在台北舉辦展覽會與超爆笑晚會。總共超過700人參加此活動,九如安排了泵浦產品說明會與實務上的產品操作,讓客戶們更了解九如的產品特性與功能。晚宴中,安排了卡拉ok、抽獎活動、頒獎典禮,並且由九如同仁自創的"騎馬舞"、"扇子舞"、hip hop街舞等,超爆笑且精彩的演出,讓全場的氣氛也HIGH到最高點,今晚豐富的晚宴與表演,讓參與的九如同仁與客戶們度過一個愉快且充實的夜晚。


九如牌泵浦於2011.11月5日在台北分公司舉辦產品說明會與晚宴‧除了最新產品的介紹之外,並且在晚上舉辦晚宴,除了九如安排的熱舞團外,客戶這次也熱情組團參與‧這次晚宴最高潮就是邀請到最近最熱門最夯的電影~"賽德克巴萊"之 "九如牌阿魯巴萊"劇組人員,來到晚宴會場載歌載舞,把會場的氣氛炒到最高點‧大家渡過了一個充實且愉快的夜晚‧

Any questions about our products?

The EVERGUSH branch offices cover all round Taiwan. If you have any questions about our products or need related technical data, please feel free to contact with EVERGUSH local branch office. Please link our branch office as following.

Equipment failure? Try our online troubleshooting.
Right here we will provide solutions for problems or failures that you could've encountered with pumps. The content of these solutions have been gathered from experienced and professional technicians in our company. Before you contact our technicians for answers, we suggest you read through below basic troubleshooting and instruction manual. It should help you to understand more about our products, and also find out the solutions more quickly.